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From: submission group < >
Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 5:12 PM
Subject: Test2008: Your paper has been selected for publication only
To: "Nikhil R. Bhandari" < >
Dear Nikhil Bhandari,
Thank you very much for your submission and the interest shown in Test2008.
In the very first year, we have received an overwhelming response from enthusiasts around the world.
We had set up very stringent procedures to select quality presentations for our conference such as the following:
1. All submissions will be reviewed by a distinguished Review Panel and subsequently forwarded to the Conference Program Committee for evaluation purposes.
2. Papers only aiming to promote a company will not be considered for the final program.
3. All papers will be reviewed according to specified criteria to maintain standards.
We are confident that the above procedure(s) will help us meet the Test2008 delegates' expectations and enable us to satisfy them.
As we have limited slots for presentation, we are not able to include many papers for in-person presentation. We have selected your paper " Automating Software Validation Process using generic framework with Windows PowerShell " for publication. However, we are sorry to inform you that we are unable to include your paper for in-person presentation for this year. We thank you for your understanding and hope you will support our conference.
With warm regards,
< >
Test2008 Conference Committee
2 months ago
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