Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to the Windows® 7 Launch Party

What Happens Next?
Now that you’re a host, you might be wondering “How does this all work?”

Select a theme – Whichever day you choose for your party between October 22 - 29, when sending your party invitations, choose from Setting Up With Ease Family Friendly Fun, Media Mania, or PhotoPalooza Photography
Prepare to be Windows® 7 expert – Watch the Host Help Videos and download the Host Notes for click by click instructions to do everything you see in the videos.
Plan your party – Decide what to serve and where to show Windows® 7.
Party Now — Your party may be weeks away, but the fun starts today! Send invites; post comments; upload photos and videos.

What excites you most about the Windows® 7 Launch party?...

House Party - My Party

House Party UK My Party

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


STAREAST 2010 Testing Conference

We look forward to seeing you at next year's event!
April 26 - 30, 2010
Orlando, FL * Rosen Shingle Creek 

Look for updates on our Web site soon!

We invite you to submit a presentation proposal for the STAREAST 2010 conference based on your experience and insight into software test and evaluation issues. Don't miss your opportunity to share your knowledge and shine!

Click here to submit your proposal. The proposal deadline is August 31, 2009.
Proposals are due by August 31, 2009, and may cover any aspect of software testing, analysis, and review including:
 - Managing Testing Groups
 - Organizing Test Efforts
 - Building a Test Team
 - Testing Throughout the Lifecycle
 - Business Value (ROI) of Testing
 - Risk-Based Testing
 - Defect Prevention
 - Outsourcing Testing
 - Test Process Improvement
 - Test-Driven Development
 - Developer Testing
 - Technical Reviews & Inspections
 - Pair Testing
 - Automatic Test Generation
 - Test Automation Frameworks
 - Release and Stopping Criteria
 - Testing Techniques
 - Communicating Testing and Quality Issues
 - Functional and Non-functional Testing Issues
 - Test Measurements and Metrics
 - Exploratory Testing
 - Component Testing
 - Model-Based Testing
 - Automated Functional Testing
 - Performance, Stress, and Load Testing
 - Test Levels (Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance)
 - Testing Web services and other Technologies
 - Testing in JAVA, .NET, and other Environments
 - Testing Embedded Software
 - Testing in Regulated Industries
 - Testing in an Agile Environment
 - Testers as Requirements Engineers
 - Influencing Others
 - Pair-wise Testing
 - Writing Testable Requirements

Expectations and Benefits:

The standard time slot for a presentation at Software Quality Engineering conferences is one hour, including 10 minutes allotted for questions. We encourage technical papers to provide conference attendees with additional details, supporting material, and references.
One complimentary conference registration is granted for each accepted presentation. Additionally, the presenter of the ''Best Presentation'' at the STAR events—as voted by the conference delegates—is asked to return as a Keynote Speaker at a future STAR conference.
Notes on Submitting a Presentation:

When submitting a presentation for consideration, it is important that you provide all requested information. The contact information you provide with your submission will be used for all future correspondence and should reflect a location where you can be reached throughout the conference planning period. Please notify us if your contact information changes. We will notify applicants of acceptance, using the information provided, approximately four months before the beginning of the conference.

For more information, visit: http://www.sqe.com/Events/submission.asp?ci=strwr
There you will find a form for submitting your proposal and a full list of potential topic ideas.

The proposal deadline is August 31, 2009 so you must act now.
For more information, call the Client Support Group at 888.268.8770 or 904.278.0524.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Call for Participation: ACCU 2010


April 14-17, 2010. Barcelo Oxford Hotel, Oxford, UK

Submission deadline: 30th of September 2009
Highlight: Special track on software testing, please read on
Email proposals to: Giovanni Asproni, conference@accu.org
We would like to invite you to present a session at this leading software development conference.
We have a long tradition of high quality sessions covering many aspects of software development, from programming languages (e.g., C, C++, Java, C#, Ruby, Groovy, Python, Erlang, Haskell, etc.), and technologies (libraries, frameworks, databases, etc.) to subjects about the wider development environment such as testing, development process, design, analysis, patterns, project management, and softer aspects such as team building, communication and leadership.
In particular, this year we are going to have a special track on software testing--we are interested in experience reports, techniques, lessons learned, etc.
Sessions may be either tutorial-based, presentations of case studies, or take the form of interactive workshops. We are always open to novel formats, so please contact us with your idea. The standard length of a session is 90 minutes, with some exceptions. In order to allow less experienced speakers to speak at the conference without the pressure of filling a full 90 minutes, we reserve a number of shorter 45 minute sessions.
If you would like to run a session please let us know by emailing your proposals to conference@accu.org by the 30th of September 2009 at the latest. Please include the following to support your proposal:
  • Title (a working title if necessary)
  • Type (tutorial, workshop, case study, etc.)
  • Duration (45/90 min)
  • Speaker name(s)
  • Speaker biography (max 150 words)
  • Description (approx 250 words)
Proposals about specific products and technologies will be taken under consideration only if they are open source and available for free (at least for non-commercial use). If you are interested in talking about a proprietary technology, there is the possibility of "sponsored sessions" which are presented outside the standard conference schedule. Please, email conference@accu.org for more information.
If you are interested in knowing more about the conference you may like to consult the website for previous years' editions at www.accu.org/conference for background information.
Speakers running one or more full 90 minute sessions receive a special conference attendance package including free attendance, and assistance with their travel and accommodation costs. Speakers filling a 45 minute slot qualify for free conference attendance on the day of their session.
The conference has always benefited from the strength of its programme, making it the highlight of the year for many attendees. Please help us make 2010 another successful event.

Windows 7 Launch Party

Windows 7 Launch Party

Windows® 7 is coming, and hosts around the world will be among the first to see it, use it, and share it with their friends. If selected to host, you'll receive a special Signature Edition of Windows® 7 Ultimate and your very own Windows® 7 Party Pack to share with your guests. It's a global Launch Party, and you can be there!...

Shared via AddThis

Friday, September 4, 2009

QUEST Dallas Call for Proposals

QuEST Chicago

Share Your Knowledge and Experience Worldwide

The QAI Global Institute is seeking IT industry experts and corporate practitioners who are interested in contributing to the software quality and testing profession through the QUEST Conferences. We are now accepting proposals for classes, tutorials, presentations and workshops for the 2010 QUEST Dallas Conference. Don’t miss this opportunity to join hundreds of IT professionals in their quest for quality engineered software. All instructors, presenters, and workshop facilitators obtain a complimentary 5-day registration to the QUEST conference.
QUEST Opportunities
For an overview of the QUEST conferences, visit www.qaiquest.org. QUEST conferences feature half tutorials, full day classes, keynote presentations, industry practices presentations, solutions benchmarking and case studies sessions, best practices workshops, exhibitor expo and theatre, individual coaching sessions, one-stop-shopping bookstore, certification preparation classes, certification practice examinations, numerous networking events, and the QAI Global Institute’s Exclusive Manager’s Solutions Workshop.
QUEST Topics
Based on the topics of interest expressed in a worldwide survey of software quality and testing professionals, proposals are being accepted for the following topics. We strongly encourage you or someone in your company to submit a proposal for one or more of the following topics as an instructor, session presenter, or workshop facilitator.
Software Quality
  • Agile Methods
  • Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
  • Assessment / Audits
  • Defect Management
  • Inspections / Reviews
  • Leadership / Teams
  • Measurement
  • Organizational Change
  • Personal Excellence
  • Process Improvement/Six Sigma
  • Quality Management
  • Quality / Test Value
  • Release Management
  • Requirements Management
Software Testing
  • Globalization / Outsourcing
  • Performance Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Requirements-Based Testing
  • Risk-Based Testing
  • Scenario-Based Testing
  • Security Testing
  • SOA Testing
  • Test Automation
  • Test Center of Excellence
  • Test Design
  • Test Management
  • Test Planning
  • Tools Implementation
  • Unit Testing
  • Web-Based Testing
Submit Your Proposal On-Line

Using the QAI Global Institute's portal, you can submit one or more proposals on-line through our proposal submission process. When using the portal for the first time, you must first register a username and password, providing basic information to create an account. Once registered, you may then log-in to update your contact, qualifications, and any proposal information. Before submitting a proposal, be sure to review the Call for Conference Proposals Information Packet for detailed information. To begin submitting a proposal on-line, click here.
New for the QUEST 2010 conference proposal process is the submission of a paper. Although not mandatory, we highly encourage you to submit a 2,000 word paper on your topic, along with completing the required on-line proposal information.  The paper will be used by the QUEST Program Committee during the proposal selection process. Also papers will be selected for publication in QUEST Magazine or the QAI Journal.
Budget Planning for 2010
If you are not interested in presenting but would like to attend the QUEST conference and need to plan the conference within your 2010 budget, pricing and discount information are available on-line for QUEST Dallas 2010 at www.qaiquest.org/dallas/register.html.

Proposal Deadlines

The deadline is September 14, 2009 for submitting a proposal for QUEST Dallas.


If you have questions about the conference or require additional information, contact:

Francine Chase, QUEST Conferences Manager, at 866-724-6013 or fchase@qaiworldwide.org

Invitation to be a Speaker : STC 2009

STC - 2009

Leading Industry Experts and Researchers across the globe, are invited to share their expertise in the area of Software Testing.

The last date for submission of Author Intent Form is September 07, 2009

Author Intent Form
: Click here
Paper Submission Guidelines:
Click here
Please note that the paper submitted in this conference should be original and have not been presented before. Please support your submission with required data and examples.
Tutorials: Half-day/Full-day
Opportunity for subject area experts to share their in-depth expertise with other members of their profession; these should enable participants to apply specific techniques to real-world problems.
Papers / Practice: Thirty five minutes including the Q & A session
It includes case studies, industry experiences, technology, concepts etc. You will also have the opportunity to present the results of Applied Techniques in your organization. Inclusion of practical tools (forms, checklists, procedures etc.) and empirical data (metrics) would be preferred.
Advantage Authors:
Testing Leadership Award: The Award recognizes leadership and contribution in the field of software testing. It will provide impetus and encourage contribution to the testing processes, skills and principles that make testing an imperative part of the software development life cycle. It will also encourage breakthrough achievements and innovative approaches in the testing process that aim to make successful products and services in the IT Industry.

The Award will serve as a vehicle to build a knowledge base of approaches, solutions and the benefits of implementing testing solutions. It will facilitate communication and dissemination of best practices in the industry and also aim to bring long term improvements and recognition to the Testing professionals across the industry.
The winner of the Testing Leadership Award gets Certificate of Excellence from a leading exponent in the field of Software Testing
Showcase your work to your colleagues, peers and seniors in your organization through your presentation that will be covered in the conference
Selected speakers of the conference will get complimentary books by leading Authors
Shortlisted authors will be invited to join in the review of the Testing courses  provided on the QAI e School
       Tutorials/Papers Submission, Selection & Evaluation Process
Step One:
Submission of Author Intent Form with Biography and Abstract. Please click here to fill the Intent Form or email it to us conferences@qaiglobal.com. Upon receipt of the above, all authors will be contacted with guidelines, formats, evaluation criteria and other details of Report/Paper submission.
Step Two:
Final Submission
Submit in accordance with the guidelines already sent to you. Submission of papers/tutorials/practice does not guarantee presentation at the Conference but makes the submission eligible for Step 3. However, in case of Papers/Practice, all submissions of acceptable quality will be included in the Conference Proceedings.
Step Three:
Evaluation & Screening
All submissions will be evaluated using detailed paper evaluation criteria. A subset of submissions will be invited to present at the Conference. The best entry will be awarded with the 'Testing Leadership Award' selected by an eminent panel of reviewers.
Paper Evaluation
Papers would be evaluated on the significance of one or many of the following attributes: content, criticality of IT Usage, completeness, presentability and the way they address the key issues of relevance to industry, applicability in diverse environments, strategic advantage and macro issues.
We welcome Best Practices, which, is a method, process, technology, culture, or organizational structure, which has been used to achieve superior results and which can set an industry standard.
       Key Dates For Submission
September 07, 2009 Submission of Author Intent Form
September 28, 2009 Submission of Final Paper and Copyright Release Form signed by the respective authors
October 15, 2009 Regional Qualifying Rounds
October 19, 2009
Accepted authors will be notified
November 05, 2009 Submission of Final Presentation

Call for Papers - Free Test 2010

In times with increasingly complex software systems and with growing expectations regarding the quality of systems implemented, high demands are put on testing.
As a tester, one of the responses to meet the customers’ expectations may be to increase the use of testing tools. Unfortunately, introducing tools as part of the testing activities is a risky business that not always succeeds. The first challenge is finding the right tool. Then we face the challenges of introducing it and using it in the right way – both are crucial if we want the tool to be a success.
This conference wishes to set focus on these challenges in the context of free testing tools. We encourage you to participate with a presentation within this area.
Practical information:
There will be three kinds of presentations allowed: Regular technical presentations of either 20 or 45 minutes’ length, and so-called “short presentations”, instructions on which are given here
  • Submissions must include:  
    • Title  
    • Speaker name, with affiliation and email address 
    • Speaker bio (100 words or less)  
    • An abstract of your presentation, sufficiently detailed to form a basis for peer review (200-300 words for a 10 or 20 minutes presentation, 500-700 words for a 45 minutes presentation)  
    • A condensed abstract (50 words or less) for use in the conference program  
    • Expertise level (beginner/medium/advanced) 
    • Preferred duration (10, 20 or 45 minutes)
  • Closing date: 15.10.2009.
  • All submissions will undergo a peer review process by the Free Test Conference Planning team, lead by professor Tor Stålhane.
  • Note that all presenters will have their travel expenses reimbursed. We therefore ask you to append an approximate travel budget along with your presentation proposal.
  • It will also be possible to give a demo or have a stand in the conference hall during breaks. Please indicate if this is of interest to you and if so, which facilities you require.
  • Free Test 2010 will like in 2009 last for 1 day
  • We did NOT make any template for submissions
  • Presentations are to be made AFTER being selected. You will then receive an invitation and details and we ask you to confirm your participation. Everybody who has send in a proposal will be notified about acceptance or not. This can be expected in november/december. Invited speakers first have to accept, before we have a definitive program and all can be notified.
  • You can send in as many proposals as you like
Please submit your proposal to team@free-test.org.

Call for Speakers - STeP-IN SUMMIT 2010


Are you looking for an opportunity to discuss your experiences with other Software Testing Practitioners? STeP-IN Forum invites speakers who can present at our Annual International Conference in Bangalore. It is a great platform for you to share your experiences and best Practices with energetic and enthusiastic fellow Testing Professionals.

Here is how you can get involved:

If you want to speak at the Conference, please select one of the below mentioned categories and send us your paper for the same.
Tutorials: Half Day (including Q&A)
Opportunity for Testing/Automation Experts, Heads-Quality, SEPG Members, Process Engineers and Technical Specialists to share their expertise with Practitioners, thereby enabling participants to apply specific techniques to real-time projects.
Plenary Presentations: 40 Minutes (including Q&A)
Testing Gurus and Industry Leaders are invited to share their knowledge, experience and case studies with a highly charged audience.
Best Practices Presentations: 30 Minutes (including Q&A)
Organizations can share industry best practices with conference delegates.
Paper Publishing
In addition to the speaking categories above, certain papers will also be published as part of the Conference Proceedings, under the Paper Publishing category.

Guidelines you need to follow for Paper Submissions:

Content Guidelines:
Should be original material
Must have a well-defined focus on the chosen topic
Must be practical & implementation-focused
Must show examples, practical applications, cause & effect, and be supported by case studies
Company confidential information should NOT be disclosed.
Content should advance the Body of Knowledge for quality professionals
Should NOT be a marketing / sales / product demo - All product demos, marketing / sales presentations would come under a sponsored and notified “Vendor Presentation Slot”
Documentation Guidelines:
Only papers submitted in the prescribed template will be accepted
Min 8 pages, Max 12 Pages (Excluding the cover pages and bios of speakers)
Line spacing: 1.5
Contents of abstract:
What is the paper all about? i.e. a clear Introduction
Which audience does this paper add most value to?
The content in brief
Where has this been applied?
What are the tangible benefits?
What are some of the issues faced and how to handle them?
Parameters for technical review of papers:
Is the topic innovative / different?
Practical usefulness and relevance of this topic
Clarity of thought / expression
How has this benefited your organization?
Layout, grammar, spelling etc.

Topics for Paper Submission:

Paper Submission can include but is not restricted to:
Technical Stream
Testing of Distributed Software Applications
Product Testing
Agile Testing
Exploratory Testing
Testing Web Applications
OO and Component Systems
Testing Embedded Systems
Testing Real Time Systems
Usability Testing
Testing in Banking and Finance Applications
Aerospace and Safety Critical Applications
Software Gaming Applications
Enterprise and e-biz Applications
Test Scripting languages
Use-case based Testing
Testing Legacy Applications
Cross-platform Testing
Platform Certification Testing
Interoperability Testing
Localization and Internationalization Testing
Testing Database Systems
Test Management Stream
Test Estimation
Managing Outsourced Testing Projects
Writing Testable Requirements
Test Management in Large Projects
Defect Prevention & Management
Risk Based Testing
Managing Defects using Six Sigma
Test Strategies and Management
Building High Performance Testing Team
Test Metrics
Test Maturity Model
Testing Standards
Setting Test Labs
People Management
Test Service and Automation Show
Software Test Automation Exhibition Software
Test Solutions / Service Providers
Test Automation
Test Automation - Server and Client
Tools and Techniques
Insights to Test Scripting Techniques
Web Services Testing
NOTE: Selection is based on rigorous review by the Technical Committee. Any topic of interest, not listed above is also welcome.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to present at STeP-IN SUMMIT 2010 held during February 2010 at Bangalore.

Deadlines for submissions:

Friday, October 09, 2009:
Submission of final paper + Speaker Profile (as per template provided) + Speaker Submission form

Last week of November:
Speakers selection and intimation.

Please submit the final paper + speaker profile in a Single Word file as per the downloadable template along with the filled in Speaker Submission Form to papers2010@stepinforum.org

Please note, Incomplete or late submissions are not guaranteed full consideration.
Please visit STeP-IN SUMMIT 2010 for more information.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Call for Papers: 9th Annual International Software Testing Conference 2009

IQNITE Conference Germany 2010 - Call for Papers

Dear Nikhil,

One conference always leads to the next and for this reason we are sending you our Call for Papers in preparation for iqnite 2010, former Software & Systems Quality Conference, which takes place for the 15th time next year.

The new name iqnite is derived from the English word „to ignite“. The idea behind this is to ignite and emblaze the awareness of software quality management and testing through the conferences. With the symbolic ignition of the iqnite-fuse the conferences will be the engine for new trends, technologies and strategies in the future.

About 650 IT experts, specialised personnel and executive staff from over 20 countries joined the conference in Dusseldorf in 2009. They all agreed that the harmonious blend of specialised lectures, workshops, tutorials as well as the accompanying exhibition turn the conference into the most important information forum in Europe in terms of software quality management, testing and process optimisation.

To further enhance the conference and present the latest case-studies we happily ask for your contribution.
Share your experiences and engage in discussions with experts and end users.
We look forward to receiving your lecture proposals by 9 October 2009. Please visit www.iqnite-conferences.com to find out about the key topics of the iqnite 2010 in Germany.

It will be much appreciated if you forward our Call for Papers to your colleagues, friends and contracts.
Further information about the conference can be found here:

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to call us (++49 (0) 2203 9154 82) or send us an email to germany@iqnite-conferences.com

We are looking forward to receiving your ideas.

Yours sincerely,
Petra Bukowski

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