Friday, September 4, 2009

Invitation to be a Speaker : STC 2009

STC - 2009

Leading Industry Experts and Researchers across the globe, are invited to share their expertise in the area of Software Testing.

The last date for submission of Author Intent Form is September 07, 2009

Author Intent Form
: Click here
Paper Submission Guidelines:
Click here
Please note that the paper submitted in this conference should be original and have not been presented before. Please support your submission with required data and examples.
Tutorials: Half-day/Full-day
Opportunity for subject area experts to share their in-depth expertise with other members of their profession; these should enable participants to apply specific techniques to real-world problems.
Papers / Practice: Thirty five minutes including the Q & A session
It includes case studies, industry experiences, technology, concepts etc. You will also have the opportunity to present the results of Applied Techniques in your organization. Inclusion of practical tools (forms, checklists, procedures etc.) and empirical data (metrics) would be preferred.
Advantage Authors:
Testing Leadership Award: The Award recognizes leadership and contribution in the field of software testing. It will provide impetus and encourage contribution to the testing processes, skills and principles that make testing an imperative part of the software development life cycle. It will also encourage breakthrough achievements and innovative approaches in the testing process that aim to make successful products and services in the IT Industry.

The Award will serve as a vehicle to build a knowledge base of approaches, solutions and the benefits of implementing testing solutions. It will facilitate communication and dissemination of best practices in the industry and also aim to bring long term improvements and recognition to the Testing professionals across the industry.
The winner of the Testing Leadership Award gets Certificate of Excellence from a leading exponent in the field of Software Testing
Showcase your work to your colleagues, peers and seniors in your organization through your presentation that will be covered in the conference
Selected speakers of the conference will get complimentary books by leading Authors
Shortlisted authors will be invited to join in the review of the Testing courses  provided on the QAI e School
       Tutorials/Papers Submission, Selection & Evaluation Process
Step One:
Submission of Author Intent Form with Biography and Abstract. Please click here to fill the Intent Form or email it to us Upon receipt of the above, all authors will be contacted with guidelines, formats, evaluation criteria and other details of Report/Paper submission.
Step Two:
Final Submission
Submit in accordance with the guidelines already sent to you. Submission of papers/tutorials/practice does not guarantee presentation at the Conference but makes the submission eligible for Step 3. However, in case of Papers/Practice, all submissions of acceptable quality will be included in the Conference Proceedings.
Step Three:
Evaluation & Screening
All submissions will be evaluated using detailed paper evaluation criteria. A subset of submissions will be invited to present at the Conference. The best entry will be awarded with the 'Testing Leadership Award' selected by an eminent panel of reviewers.
Paper Evaluation
Papers would be evaluated on the significance of one or many of the following attributes: content, criticality of IT Usage, completeness, presentability and the way they address the key issues of relevance to industry, applicability in diverse environments, strategic advantage and macro issues.
We welcome Best Practices, which, is a method, process, technology, culture, or organizational structure, which has been used to achieve superior results and which can set an industry standard.
       Key Dates For Submission
September 07, 2009 Submission of Author Intent Form
September 28, 2009 Submission of Final Paper and Copyright Release Form signed by the respective authors
October 15, 2009 Regional Qualifying Rounds
October 19, 2009
Accepted authors will be notified
November 05, 2009 Submission of Final Presentation


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