Dear Nikhil,
One conference always leads to the next and for this reason we are sending you our Call for Papers in preparation for iqnite 2010, former Software & Systems Quality Conference, which takes place for the 15th time next year.The new name iqnite is derived from the English word „to ignite“. The idea behind this is to ignite and emblaze the awareness of software quality management and testing through the conferences. With the symbolic ignition of the iqnite-fuse the conferences will be the engine for new trends, technologies and strategies in the future.
About 650 IT experts, specialised personnel and executive staff from over 20 countries joined the conference in Dusseldorf in 2009. They all agreed that the harmonious blend of specialised lectures, workshops, tutorials as well as the accompanying exhibition turn the conference into the most important information forum in Europe in terms of software quality management, testing and process optimisation.
To further enhance the conference and present the latest case-studies we happily ask for your contribution.
Share your experiences and engage in discussions with experts and end users.
We look forward to receiving your lecture proposals by 9 October 2009. Please visit www.iqnite-conferences.com to find out about the key topics of the iqnite 2010 in Germany.
It will be much appreciated if you forward our Call for Papers to your colleagues, friends and contracts.
Further information about the conference can be found here:
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to call us (++49 (0) 2203 9154 82) or send us an email to germany@iqnite-conferences.com
We are looking forward to receiving your ideas.
Yours sincerely,
Petra Bukowski

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